Keysmith is developed by the Plasma Mobile Team. It is stable and usable, but (as of writing this) still in an early development phase. So feature that you might expect could be missing. But it does what it says on the tin: generate TOTP and HOTP for 2FA (Two-factor authentication).

Things that encountered:

  • If you want to unlock Keysmith, you have to click "Unlock". Hitting Enter won't work.
  • If you add a new account, there is no "cancel" option. But you can delete the account after creating it.
  • Created accounts are not editable. If you made a mistake, delete, create anew.
  • Couldn't test any form of QR-Support. But I also didn't see any support of it for v0.2. 🤔

In Conclusion: Quite the nice addition to KaOS and gets the job done. If you want something more sophisticated, take a look at KeePassXC.