This time not KDE updates in the title, even-though a major update has just moved (KDE Apps 20.08.0), since there are way bigger updates to mention this time then just KDE/Plasma.

It was a first time for a major Python3 update since Python3 became the default for KaOS. Python 3.8.4 is now in core and required the rebuild of nearly 200 packages, next time will be easier again, since there is now a fully updated rebuild list for Python3.
Next was the move to ICU 67.1 & Boost 1.73.0, nothing peculiar about that update, just the usual large rebuilds.
Git moved to a major new version, 2.28, so did Cmake (currently at 3.18.1).
One major update has been in the build repo for over 2 weeks, Systemd 246. Since 245 was skipped (way too many issues reported with that version to include in KaOS), it will be thoroughly tested before it will go to the core repo. It will be tested on an internal test ISO, if all still OK then, it will move.

For the Main repo there were equally large major updates, this included a move to LLVM/Clang 10 (10.0.1), Poppler 20.08, Samba moved to the 4.12 series (4.12.5), new x264 had a major API change and lastly, Opencv finally moved to the 4 series. It took almost 2 years before all needing Opencv were ready for the 4 series, that is why it was held to the 3 series for all this time in KaOS.
All the above required rebuilds of hundreds of packages, so if you noticed larger updates then usual lately, this is why.

Finally for the Apps repo, KDE Apps 20.08.0 was just announced so now this update can move to all users. It has been tested for over 3 weeks, first as 20.08RC in kde-next.
Frameworks 5.73.0 move to all users a few days ago, Plasma 5.19.4 was fully rebuild for it.
New apps added are Kdiff3 and Keysmith.