Hello there,
I was just wondering if here can be such topic - for present Our KaOS Desktop/ Theme. Maybe its just me but i like to play with KDE environment and always look for some inspirations from others and advices (which also can be written here) of how to do something. If Admin say yes to such topic - i will be 1st to show what i've got so far. If no - well - i understand. But as people say: "Its better to ask and hear no, than not ask and thinking what would be".
/To sum up - what this topic would be about:
1 - PrtScr of Desktop, title bar and icons (theme)
2 - Advices of what can be changed and Your personal favourite KDE widgedts that Youre using
(Im not from ENG so if my sentences are weird - i understand and Im sorry, do my best to make them understandable).
/Regards samidon! And as i always say - thanks for support here. Been in lots of distros but here people are really
communicative and helpful. 🙂