Hello there! 🙂
I have a question. I can't find any repo in KaOS that have "calculator" app. Is there any or should i look for something on git hub?
/Thanks for any advices/ help.

yo tengo kcalc , no recuerdo si vino incluido o lo instale aparte, pero deberĂ­a estar en algĂșn paquete de los repositorios oficiales y sino seguramente lo instalĂ© con discover, mas de ahĂ­ no salĂ­.

Default install/panel also comes with a calculator applet in the panel (thus two options at least for a calculator, kcalc & adding the Calculator widget).

To search, make sure to either use pacman -Ss partial_search_term, or in octopi > Search > By name and switch to By description, to get more results.

pacman -Ss calculator
core/bc 1.07.1-2 [installed]
    An arbitrary precision calculator language
main/libqalculate 3.13.0-1 [installed]
    Multi-purpose desktop calculator
apps/kalgebra 20.08.1-1 (kde kde-edu kde-uninstall education)
    Graph Calculator
apps/kcalc 20.08.1-1 (kde kde-utils kde-uninstall utils) [installed]
    Scientific calculator