i want to install appimage launcher but it needs some dependencies like gtest and libappimage why you don't add in kaos repos?**

a month later

demm i think your confusing AppImages with Snaps, AppImages are distro agnostic aswell. As they state on there own website: https://appimage.org/

" Download an application, make it executable, and run! No need to install. No system libraries or system preferences are altered. Can also run in a sandbox like Firejail

Arch Linux CentOS debian Fedora openSUSE Red Hat Ubuntu 

Distribute your desktop Linux application in the AppImage format and win users running all common Linux distributions. Package once and run everywhere. Reach users on all major desktop distributions. "

Appimages, Flatpaks & Snaps all work on the same principle, bundle an app with all/most needed depends & libraries, so they can run independent (and sandboxed) from the installed system.
KaOS has chosen to use Flatpak of those three as fully supported.

Thanks for the reply and i understand the choice but why not let people install the libappimage on there own if they want it and if something breaks with that then thats there own problem. Appart from the "only flatpak" idea i really like this distro.

    Tu puedes crear tus propios paquetes , te lo respondió demm en la primer respuesta!


    o he probado ejecutar appimages creadas de algunos programas y no he tenido problemas, ya probaste ejecutarlos?cual es el que necesitas y te da problemas?

    • demm replied to this.

      tatizaffaroni appimages creadas de algunos programas y no he tenido problemas

      It is about fully supporting Appimages, so there needs to be a launcher for that (thus creating menu integration and all that, like is now with Flatpak & Discover). Appimages will run fine as is on most/all distros, KaOS included.
      And, by the way, appimage-manager has no depends that are not already in the repo, so using the packaging link I posted in my first reply here is all that is needed.

      10 months later

      AppimageLauncher itself is available as appimage. Once downloaded from here, run it (drag/drop) in terminal with install argument to install it, then it will appear in the menus. Run it from there and select the location of your appimages. You can also associate it with the appimage format.