As you might have noticed, a lot of updates the last week, adding to that all is the move to all users for the just released Plasma 5.20. See the link for what all is new in this major new version. New added to Plasma for KaOS is plasma-disk, it will give you a new option in kinfocenter to see the status of all your hard-drives/sdd.
The other parts of KDE were updated 2 days ago, those were minor updates to Frameworks 5.75.0 & KDE Applications 20.08.2.
Krita just released a new version today too, it has a complete new option, using Walt Disney Animation Studios' SeExpr. Unfortunately, SeExpr is crashing Krita, so 4.4.0-1 moved to all users now with seExpr disabled. That will change as soon as seExpr is fixed.

The whole Glib2 stack was updated too. This involves all GTK/GNOME packages in the KaOS repositories, some 70 packages in all. Glib2 is now at the major new version 2.66.
Popplers' move to 20.10.0 required the usual dozen or so rebuilds.
Linux-next moved to the 5.9 series yesterday, but is not ready yet to move to core, a few of the kernel modules are not building yet on this new major version (nvidia-390xx & virtualbox), those issues have to be fixed in the build repo first.
Then there were rebuilds of close to 200 packages to set those to correct home URL's and use https. The main repo still has another 100 or so that need those fixes, work will continue for those.