KMail mail text field stays black in Wayland, also after suspend / restore in KWin 5.21 can we find a solution?

Do you think the is a packaging issue? New issue with Kwin 5.20.90 only? Same for Kmail, new with 20.12.2 in the build repo?

    No. I'm pretty sure this has been apparent for some tome now. A black window for the text field or a totally clear window through to the desktop. I've not used wayland, only tried it a few times and I always had the same result.
    As I use kmail it was a no goer, also qtnote does not work.
    Edit: Just rebooted and definitely the same on 5.20.5

    I use KMail daily, should investigate for solution.
    demm it happen in Wayland all the time, in X11 5.20.5 is unaffected to me, in 5.20.90 after restore it's black.

    Not clear were this should be a packaging issue, and if not packaging, what can be done at KaOS level? Checked upstream bug reports?

    It's not packaging issue, it's upstream, i just open issue if you or someone know how to fix or some fix present upstream.

    9 days later

    KMail and its components are rewritten in QtWebEngine widgets, so it should be a Qt / Chromium engine specific issue.