Since Qt will not provide update to LTS releases actually only WebEngine package should be updated, last month a couple of CVE was resolved in Chromium engine it's notable to be updated. So commits are here i see no stoppers to be used.
Qt Webengine
To get all the needed parts, git build is needed/best, but that would leave translations out, not sure if that isn't a showstopper....
Git build is up (5.15.3 branch, chromium 87)
Thank you, it looks like it works.
After some use, sometimes it loads but it does not stop to indicating to do it.
It has a branch 5.15.3 so it can be used, it should be equal to tars.
That is exactly what is used.
bvbfan After some use, sometimes it loads but it does not stop to indicating to do it.
Not clear what this means, so it is not working?
In Falkon. But i see a problem, Qt5WebEngineCoreConfig.cmake wants a Qt5Quick 5.15.3 and i cannot build Qt application now. Probably it's better to get only commits with CVE's ? Or you can edit the cmake to be 5.15.2
bvbfan only commits with CVE's
Those are from Chromium 87, released QtWebengine uses 80, and needs all kinds of patches to build with that new version.
If Falkon does not work properly anymore, then this is a no go, Falkon is default, so version of webengine has to work with Falkon first.
5.15.3 will be removed from the build repo.
Take a look here
Last line fix the cmake version.
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Read my reply, this is not about fixing builds, this is about qtwebengine losing functionality (if you need those lines, no need to wait for an update, you can edit that yourself now too).
I don't think it looses functionality or at least i can't notice it. Only issue is that, page is loaded but indicator shows it does not in Falkon (notice circle in tab at its left)
Any Kmail users? Please test with qtwebengine 5.15.3 too.
Haven't found any problems with qtwebengine 5.13.3 with Kmail or any other programs yet.
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So it is pretty safe to say, qtwebengine 5.15.3 has some real issues.
Will be good if can update only Chromium to 87 without touching Qt changes. That will be something like get git till last Qt 5.15.2 commit submodules to 87, if it can compile of course.