Download KaOS_Test
First, minimal test ISO is uploaded for the April stable ISO release. Plan is to release in about a week or so.

Due to a new Toolchain, issues found in Calamares in the previous ISO and the 8 year anniversary coming up, this time only 5-6 weeks in between releases. Anyone with a rather recent Nvidia card, please try this ISO (just booting in non-free live mode is enough, no need to install), it is not clear if the new 465 drivers are casing any issues.

As always, early test ISOs are minimal, very few apps, just a web-browser, file manager, text editor, GUI package manager. The non-free Nvidia drivers are included since they are a big part of what needs testing.

Plan is to have Frameworks 5.81.0, KDE Applications 21.04.0, Plasma 5.21.4 and Linux 5.11.15 on the final ISO.

The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build repo to your pacman.conf.

Debug packages for Calamares are part of all ISOs, run Calamares with gdb if you encounter errors.
provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:

sudo calamares -d

The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.

d5537c26ae83d0faca4c3e90711441227de3bfc8881ed41c26bea744600cdede  KaOS-2021.04.19-x86_64.iso

On this ISO you will find:
Linux 5.11.15
systemd 247.6
gcc 10.3.0
Qt 5.15.2+
Frameworks 5.81.0
Plasma 5.21.4
KDE Applications 21.04.0 (not released yet, only tagged)
Calamares 3.2.40
Octopi 0.11.0 with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool

Known issues:

  • Calamares does not set the correct locale/language when switching in the Welcome page, make sure to click the map in the locale page, it will update correctly then.
4 days later

First full ISO is up, known issue from above post is fixed (Calamares setting correct locale). Kernel moved to 5.11.16, updates include mesa 21.0.3, virtualbox 6.1.20 and vulkan packages 1.2.176.
Otherwise no real changes, seems these first 2 iSOs are pretty solid. If that stays this way, this ISO could be released as next stable in 2-3 days.

b6b03e0db3df6869bc1007da881342dbe61caaf2482c493975e58926376f678c  KaOS-2021.04.23-x86_64.iso