Hi, I've just installed Kaos and I would like to turn off mitigations and set boot timeout to 0 but I can't seem to able to modify loader.conf. This is my first time using systemd-boot, is there a simpler way to do this? thanks

As ROOT edit "/boot/loader/loader.conf " and change the timeout.
As ROOT edit "/boot/loader/entries/" and move any entries not required to your home/user directory to ensure that all is working after next reboot.

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    nezzie Hi, I've tried this but still can't modify the file, maybe I'm doing it wrong?
    So I go 'su' in terminal put in my password then as root do 'vim /boot/loader/loader.conf', loader.conf pops up with only 2 lines : 'timeout 10' and 'default KaOS_2021.06'. But I can't change/delete/type anything, what I am missing? thanks

    demm Hi, thanks for this tip, I was able to set timeout to 0 from the boot menu but using 'e' to edit kernel options and set mitigations=off didn't work and I can't find anything on how to do this through Google, any ideas? What I've tried is to add 'mitigations=off' just before 'quiet', is this correct? thanks

    nezzie Hey, finally found out what I was doing wrong, I forgot to press 'insert' before attempting to modify the file lol. It's all working now, thanks for your help! 😀

    demm Please disregard my previous comment, got it working perfect, mitigations are off and I'm now reaching login screen in 14s 😁
    Thanks for your help!!

    Just in case anybody else wants to know, the file to change to turn mitigations off is /boot/loader/entries/KaOS_2021.06.conf. Just add mitigations=off before 'quiet' 🙂