This is not a huge deal, everything else is working perfect, just want to see if maybe there is a simple solution for it. Music and videos play fine both locally and in the browser but I'm not getting any notification sounds from apps like Transmission (on download completion), also system events like plugging in a usb stick or when battery is low.
I already did a little research and found posts suggesting to install Kmix or Pavucontrol but I just want to be sure before I add any potentially uneeded packages to my system (I'm using the minimal install ). Also maybe worth mentioning when I go to configure notification for specific apps, some already have a sound file assciated with them but pressing the small 'Play' button to test the sound doesn't do anything.
Thanks in advance!
Not getting any notification sound
- Edited
Can you mention the sound file(s) that should play? Might be that the minimal install lacks the needed sound files. Or have you tried associating a different notification sound file with the events?
Many sound files are in the oxygen package, show the output of pacman -Qs oxygen
(even when empty, mention that).
Scratch the above, you found a bug, knotification is build missing the libcanberra/sound-theme-freedesktop packages, thus no notifications (oxygen shouldn't be needed anyway). Fixed version will be up shortly.
It is up in the build repo (might not move today), you can get it now (safely) with:
sudo pacman -U
demm Thanks, I've installed the update and got the notification sounds working but it turns out I don't have the Oxygen sound theme installed, instead I have the Freedesktop sound theme. I do have the Oxygen icons theme but not the sounds. All the system event notification sounds were in fact pointing to non-existent Oxygen sound files, so I went ahead and manually reassigned them to the sounds from the Freedesktop folder. Anyway, everything is working now, thanks again for the quick patch