hi, our repositories do not have a bible software. I have built bible-kjv using pkgbuild from arch repository as mentioned in https://kaosx.us/docs/package/ . I tried to build bibletime also but that was a bit more complicated. I edited the qt5-webengine in PKGBUILD to qtwebengine (I think that is the equivalent of qt5-webengine in KaOS). Then it required 5 more build dependencies cmake,expac,fop,ninja,po4a. cmake and ninja were there in our repositories but expac, fop and po4a were not. So I gave up trying to install bibletime. Bibletime is based on qt toolkit and there is no other bible software in our repositories. Can it be included in repositories? I don't think it will require much maintenance once included, since its releases are not many. They had a recent bugfix release 3.0.1. and release 3.0 was a year ago.

Sword & Bibletime are added, it was long expected that there would be a request for this software, took many years though 🙂.