After an hiatus of over four years, CAD software is back in the KaOS repositories.
Freecad was still Qt4 based in 2017 (as were many of the needed depends), and had to be removed with the Qt4 removal.
Now PySide2, Shiboken, Pyside2-tools, Coin, Soqt, VTK, Med, Opencascade & FreeCAD are solidly ready for Qt5 & Pyhton3, so the whole stack is added again.
This has always been a very labor intensive stack, and takes a lot of time and effort to properly maintain, but having absolute nothing to offer for Computer Aided Design Software is not desirable.
Please report here if you find issues with this stack, or if you find something missing (Matplotlib is missing in FreeCAD, build with it, but the FreeCAD buildsys does not find it yet).

Thank you so much for your hard work you made so quickly !

a month later


FreeCAD fails to install, can't retrieve package "med":
med-4.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst failed to download
error: failed retrieving file 'med-4.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'med-4.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
and so on and so on ...

Make sure to always update prior to installing any:
That version of med is not in the repository, your local database is too old.

5 days later

Raugulas you can add your own command in the .bashrc file in your home directory:

alias install='mirror-check && sudo pacman -Syu && sudo pacman -S $1'

Once in a new bash session (rerun with "bash" for once) you can use 'install freecad' to run the update and then install immediately 😊

So you never run into this issue ☺️