• Testing
  • Toolchain removed from the [build] repo

Yesterday, a new GCC 11.2.0, Glibc 2.34 & Binutils 2.37 based toolchain was uploaded. Unfortunately, something went wring with Glibc, and this new toolchain had to be removed.
If you ended up updating while on [build] the last 12 hours, your system will show a kernel error on booting and you will need to chroot into your install to downgrade.
See https://kaosx.us/docs/chrooting/ for chrooting.
Once chrooted, pacman -Syu will show a lot of local packages newer then repo. After pacman -Syu remove libxcrypt:

sudo pacman -Rdd libxcrypt

Then run sudo pacman -Suu. Once all is downgraded it is safe to exit the chroot & reboot.

After sudo pacman -Rdd libxcrypt

sudo pacman -Suu
sudo: PAM account management error: Module is unknown

I only had that in a build chroot, regular installs did not not the libxcrypt .so files to be temporary copied over.
Seems you will have to do so on that install in a chroot. Get /usr/lib/libcrypt.so* from the libxcrypt package and place them in /usr/lib

Interesting why LD_PRELOAD or adding PATH does not resolve issue for finding the *so file?
// Edit
It will be security issue.
Done, fast and easy fix.

Are they any problems to new toolchain 🤣