A start is being made to make Pipewire default. This will mean it eventually will replace Pulseaudio. That replacement won't be done just yet, but testing has started to replace jack2.
This is build repo only and won't move as is to all users.
On your next update you'll receive a question regarding removing jack2, default answer is No right now, since it is not set to replace yet, just conflicts & provides, please answer y(es) to continue the update.
Once all is tested as working as should, replace will be added (otherwise, all will reverted, and jack2 will stay as is).

The jack2 replacement has been reverted, no chance yet to make pipewire default.
All works quite well when running an X session & running pipewire as --user.
So far, no way to get it to work in a Wayland session, so that is a deal breaker.
Other big issue, pipewire-pulse is not ready to run system-wide (it is possible to build pipewire & wireplumber to run system-wide, no such option for pipewire-pulse). To make pipewire default should really mean getting away from running all as user, and just being able to enable regular, system way.