- Edited
Redirecting pages does not work, actually they works first time, them shows button reload which does not work. Same for newly Falkon 22.04. Konqueror is affected as well, since engine is somehow broken.
Redirecting pages does not work, actually they works first time, them shows button reload which does not work. Same for newly Falkon 22.04. Konqueror is affected as well, since engine is somehow broken.
So far can't reproduce (or not clear how to reproduce, reload works fine).
No reload, when page made a redirect https://inetdec.nra.bg/ (it's government site, works on other browsers) try this, more than one time
OK, I can reproduce from that link & clicking the reload button in Falkon, but clicking the reload page
option that is presented in the webpage fixes it again, so maybe not a qtwebengine but Falkon/konq bug.
Clicking reload just reload same page, the newly page is different, check in other browser. The bug is in QtWebEngine for sure, i have 5.15.2 till now but update since i cannot keep old version forever.
Looks like this commit might address what you see:
I will test it, when it's in the build repo.
No, please check if the bug report is what you see, that commit was added to 5.15.9 (the above commit is from January).
Same result with default user agent, it's not an user agent issue. I'm pretty sure it was same bug on previous release (in the previous series) and it was a Qt bug not an chromium one.
The problem starts here
prior that - it works
See https://github.com/qt/qtwebengine/commits/5.15.9
Between those commit tags, only one Qt commit (not related to browsing, was for PDF widget), rest is updated chromium, so the fix will have to come from chromium.
Easy reproducible https://bazel.build/ @demm can build switch to dev branch or to revert previous commit, Falkon is a bit unusable.
5.15.10 does not fixed.
Thanks, it's solved now!