
I have recently started using KaOS Linux and so far I am liking it a lot. I have one issue that I have failed to fix which is related to the missing power-profiles daemon. Back in 2021, KDE introduced the ability to choose from three different power profiles: power save, balanced and performance. This needs the power-prpfiles-daemon and systemd to enable the service. I cannot seem to find a way to installed that package.

demm On a spare laptop, I installed Manjaro KDE Minimal and I had to manually install power-profiles-daemon package to enable the power profiles. On Kubuntu and Endeavour OS power-profiles-daemon is installed by default.

Anyway, one might say that this feature may not save a lot of battery, but I am using my laptop running KaOS for my study and battery life matters even if it is just 20 to 30 mins longer.

You are correct that this is a feature Plasma added & is useful for more many, I'm just trying to figure why there is no mention in powerdevil needing to add a new dependency and why the added power profiles files are not used.

    Those packages are not the point, issue is the commit & all docs in powerdevil when this was introduced. It should not be needed at all to add a third party daemon, it should all be integrated in the bundled files in powerdevil.
    I'm checking with Gentoo to see if they found a solution (since they also keep Plasma as much as possible clean from Gnome/Glib/Gobject dependencies).
    If you absolute need the package right now, it is very simple to add to your install, see https://kaosx.us/docs/package/

    Package is added (will replace tlp, so not an issue with repos growing).
    The dependencies have been kept to a minimum, so it will be added to the default install.
    You can install it now with pacman -U http://kaosx.tk/repo/build/power-profiles-daemon-0.11.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst, until it is moved from the build repo.
    The daemon is enabled on install, best to reboot to have Plasma pick it up.

      demm Thank you very much for your fast support. I have installed the package from the Main repository and everything is working as intended now. Thank you again.