flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-utils-http.c:392:flatpak_create_http_session: assertion failed (rc == CURLM_OK): (1 == 0)
Bail out! flatpak:ERROR:common/flatpak-utils-http.c:392:flatpak_create_http_session: assertion failed (rc == CURLM_OK): (1 == 0)
29 -- exe=/usr/bin/plasma-discover
17 -- platform=wayland
24 -- appname=plasma-discover
17 -- apppath=/usr/bin
9 -- signal=6
11 -- pid=189579
18 -- appversion=5.25.4
21 -- programname=Discover
31 --
30 -- productname=discover/discover
12 -- startupid=0
KCrash: Application 'plasma-discover' crashing...
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/drkonqi

Issue is fixed by no longer using curl for http (set to use libsoup instead now).
No bug reports found yet why it fails with curl....

Adding http2 support to curl is the proper fix, curl is now build with the new nghttp2 package for the http2 support.