Hi all, this is going to sound silly I guess but I was going through the screenshots in this website and kinda fell in love with this setup, any idea on what has been used there and how to replicate it?
Thank you!
How to replicate this setup
That screenshot was provided by Jomada, a very active Plasma theme developer.
Check the gitlab repo, and see if you can find the theme used for that setup:
Otherwise, try contacting Jomada directly on the KaOS telegram channel (user name there is Jorge D).
Hi, the theme used is Moe [https://seduccionlinux.wordpress.com/moe-moe-dark/](https://) for the panels I was using latte dock with Moe layout [https://store.kde.org/p/1373008/](https://) and the menu widget is called Simple menu.
Wallpaper [https://cldup.com/94oi3MacIg.jpg](https://)