- Edited
Here is the starting situation.
I have a USB stick containing at the root level 2 directories:
/boot and /ISO.
The boot contains:
/boot/grub/grub.cfg and the ISO contains a number of is images for various flavours of Linux.
Among those is: KaOS-2023.09-x86_64.iso
From this USB stick I can boot a number of OS. In other word the grub2 is already installed and working.
But I cannot make KaOS boot, no doubt because my menu config is wrong. Can someone help me to solve this issue?
Here are the 2 menus I have tried none of them working:
**menuentry "KaOS" {
set root=(hd0,1)
set isofile='/ISO/KaOS-2023.09-x86_64.iso'
loopback loop $isofile
linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso img_loop=$isofile kdeosisobasedir=kdeos
linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso.img
menuentry "KaOS 2" {
set root=(hd0,1)
set isofile='/ISO/KaOS-2023.09-x86_64.iso'
probe -u $root --set=abc
set pqr="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$abc"
loopback loop $isofile
linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso img_dev=$pqr img_loop=$isofile kdeosisobasedir=kdeos
linux (loop)/kdeos/boot/x86_64/kdeosiso.img