This is referring to this page here.
Sorry i could not see a better way to report this aside from posting here...

First up, Suse imagewriter is no longer available. And the the version i found would not work. The link is broken.

I have found and tested / verfied a good install using another method that it may pay to put into your docs so that people from windows can have an easier time, as it does seem like a really awesome distro.

1st: Download Universal USB Installer,
When in the application select your USB key and tell it to "prepare your device"
Once this has done, select the option at the very bottom of the list for "Unlisted ISO"
It will prompt you to select the KaOS iso that you have downloaded.
From here, run through the process, and you now have a bootable USB.

Note: on my test it created two EFI options in the bios for this USB, second one is what worked.

Now boot and install KaOS and enjoy.

The KaOS website, and especially the docs are opensource & setup so that everyone can easily participate in updating, adding or correcting the pages, just fork the repo and edit:
After editing open a Pull Request and it can be merged with full credits to the writer.
If that is not what you want to do, let me know, and Ill work on updating the page (rufus can also be added for Windows users, as long as it is very clear that only the dd option can be used).

Okay, i think i did that the right way. You can verify here and decide if you are happy with it.
Im definitely happy to contribute more. Im a c++ game dev, that has been working with Linux for over 25 years so im sure i might even be able to contribute better things in the future 🙂