Hello, after last update, left alt key is not wokring properly under X11 plasma. In Wayland, it is wokring fine.
X11 plasma alt key problem
Last update
is useless, please post the pacman.log from the effected update. Plus any any error logs (journalctl or dmesg), could point to what is wrong. But I have seen upstream (Plasma) reports of things not working on X11 that do on Wayland.....
I was kind of hoping, it is a wide problem. I upgraded two computers and both are doing the same thing. Here is the log: https://adam.234.cz/prac/octopi-sysinfo-2072282794.log
Log shows issue with kglobalaccel, that might cause the Alt-key issue too, it is rebuild with all the Plasma 5 parts restored, will move it shortly to aal users, if you need it right now:
sudo pacman -U http://kaosx.tk/repo/build/kglobalaccel-5.113.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
Looks like it worked. Thanks a lot.