Download KaOS_Test

First, minimal test ISO is uploaded for the March stable ISO release.

This ISO represents a new toolchain, updates to many base packages, major new Nvidia version, a change in kernel config regarding touchpads, and of course, the KDE Megarelease 6 is included.
One odd thing happened during the ISO build, for which there is no answer yet, the EFI boot image kdeosiso.img (needed for Live boot) went from about 36Mb to over 360Mb, testing will be needed if this effects the ISO, and answers will need to found why this happened.

As always, early test ISOs are minimal, very few apps, just a web-browser, file manager, text editor, GUI package manager. The non-free Nvidia drivers are included since they are a big part of what needs testing, especially the move to 550 will need attention from those who have the hardware to test this driver.

Plan is to have Frameworks 6.0.0, KDE Applications 24.02.0, Plasma 6.0.x and Linux 6.7.xx on the final ISO.

The ISO is using packages from the build repo, but that repo is not enabled, so if you decide to install, make sure to add the build repo to your pacman.conf.

Debug packages for Calamares are part of all ISOs, run Calamares with gdb if you encounter errors.
provide the installation log, if you encounter any issue at all

You can start Calamares from the Welcome app, or run it with:

sudo calamares -d

The install log will be created in the home directory of the Live user, see ~/installation.log. It is available after the install in the target system in /var/log/installation.log
If run from cli, make sure to pastebin the full output, since no installation.log will be copied then, though that log is more complete.

94d09bd59f0a1a35644240fdbf5a19d6083b8c44f86888c205ce718dbbfd388c  KaOS-2024.03.01-x86_64.iso

On this ISO you will find:
Linux 6.7.7
systemd 253.17
gcc 13.2.0
Qt 6.6.2
Frameworks 6.0.0
Plasma 6.0.0
KDE Applications 24.02.0
Calamares 3.3.4
Octopi 0.15.0 with sysinfo & cachecleaner tool

Known issues:

  • The bottom progress-bar in Calamares reacts to mouse clicks & opens a virtualkeyboard (narrow)

    demm The non-free Nvidia drivers are included

    Possibly why the boot image grew insanely in size

    • demm replied to this.

      root they are always included, so not a change for this ISO at all.

      You are right, it is not that nvidia is new, but linux 6.7 changed how kms is used for nouveau, so now all nvidia firmware gets added, will try to adjust the kms hooks, since that isn't used at all (seems a mkinitcpio bug, dracut has no such issues, but I have not found a way yet to make dracut work with aufs).

      5 days later

      I have gone for a test ride with the ISO and here is my review.

      I really like - as already stated - the theme. Its the most beautiful theme for an operating system that I had seen yet, and I usually dont like light themes. Everything is perfect about it, except the background that seems out of place and ugly.

      I like the new QML modules for Calamares (most of them are new to me) and they look really neat as well. Great job! I do see room for improvement here as well, but its really more about small cosmetic changes, and not the functionality or stability of the modules itself.

      The UI of the installer itself goes into a good direction as well, while I still think the right hand side buttons to go next and back, look out of place, take space and generally dont feel well placed.

      I suggest, to make the tab bar on the bottom clickable, so that we can navigate between them easily.

      The German (no-dead-keys) layout has a weird bug: The position of the backtick keys are revered:
      They are supposed to be ` without modifier, and ´ with shift, and it is the reverse in your layout.

      The same with the German Austrian (no-dead-keys) layout.
      In the regular German layout, this key counts as deadkey.

      I do think this might be a mistake as well, but I dont know,
      since I always use no-dead-keys in order to access ^ anyway. 🤷‍♂️

      It might come across as nit picky (and probably is) but I would enjoy when the radio switches here would activate/deactivate the opposite option.

      As I came across this screen the first time, I hit the libreoffice button like 5 times, and thought its simply irresponsible due to a bug. Only after I have read the second option, I saw that I had to activate an option, in order to deactivate the option I wanted. I suggest that disabling "libreoffice" enables the second radio button.

      And in reverse.

      I also suggest the idea, that instead of putting the "no office" option as its own, dedicated option, to instead opt out for a GTK installation at this point. I understand that you have the web browser option in Crueso, and that is nice. I still think there is room for a 'pure qt' or 'full install' option, that includes a full set of potent software to discover.

      I always think, that distros leave a lot of potential on the street, by not including the most awesome and competent software that we have at our disposal. Blender, Godot and other multimedia software like Kdenlive come to my mind: To offer them all out of the box, simply gives people that are new to open source a good impression, of the potential, that they can reach with this OS.


      The partitioning tab is sorely missing an option for the different file systems to be selected by the first, "install alongside" option.

      Why this is missing from the most obvious choice, is beyond me.

      The Spectacle program currently lacks an ability that is probably not ported yet: Ctrl+Z in the Annotation module.
      I also miss the ability to directly upload images to this forum, or use a profile pic with more than 2 mb. This feels like stongeage limitations to me.

      The rEFInd bootloader does provide options to start KaOS, who simply lead directly into an error. EFI/kiso/kdeosiso.efi:

      Why would you offer an option, to is not intended to boot? I do like that it does include a copy of the live ISO right next to it, though. That was one of the things I always wished other distros would do as well, and seems like an obvious choice for data rescue missions and generally having a live system always at hand. Congrats!

      rEFInd itself looks ugly, out of place and seems to be a second class citizen. With the language selection for the live ISO being hidden behind editing a line (really?) and that being a regression from earlier KaOS ISOs, I feel its time to focus on rEFInd on the first and primary boot manager, as this gives a more modern, and appropriate impression.

      To establish a bluetooth connection between my phone and the installed system does take several attempts, because they could not find each other (Android 13) and once established, they could not send a picture in any direction.

      I also do miss a rollback functionality for ZFS and btrfs in the bootloader.
      Very big point to me, and a big reason why I moved away from KaOS. 🙂

      First full ISO is uploaded.
      This ISO includes a move to Plasma 6.0.1, Linux 6.7.9, new major release for all gstreamer packages, bug fixes for dolphin (Shift-F4 was not opening the terminal), kate segfaults, konversation not closing or reacting to mouse clicks from the system tray.
      The large boot image is still there....

      a5a1da687c0a4c56cb927da89e0bbc7c7effd20d62c118c3f28ce4d9d0f7eec1  KaOS-2024.03.07-x86_64.iso

      The bluetooth issue and the rEFInd issue has been resolved.
      The keyboard layout turned out to be no issue at all, I misinterpreted the layout.

      Unfortunately, a showstopper bug was found on the ISO from last Friday. It would effect all non-free Nvidia users, so a new ISO is needed. A couple of minor issues have also been fixed, plus upstream Plasma added some needed patches to a few libraries & applications. For the rest, just the usual slew of updates as is normal with this rolling distro.

      2704dfdcdb9a1a46bd0fc2e8f4a04c5351df0413986bd079d0c9a42b10b532fe  KaOS-2024.03.11-x86_64.iso