Hello everyone on the kaos linux team, what I want to say is that in this recent version of kaos, when starting usb and it gives a kernel panic error and of course without installing it loads but does not complete and stays with this error and I tested it on all my new and powerful machines and it gives me this error, I live in Brazil

demm I use ventoy other distros it doesn't give a problem but when Kaos loads the start and when the texts appear it crashes and shows kernel panic but only with it other linux distros not by USB,but I'll record it with Rufus to see.

demm Now it worked when recording through rufus, but the problem is something with ventoy, but I'm going to download the distro again, because the installation gave an error at the time of installation:

Please read the links posted for you (and warnings are also included in the Download & News pages). ONLY use supported ways to create install media, neither Rufus or Ventoy will give you installable media.