After almost 9 years of running the Jekyll based website, it is time for an update/upgrade.
Jekyll doesn't seem to be getting many updates, so a much newer and very active framework is now in use. New site is Astro.js based.

New are a light and dark mode option. Responsiveness is much improved, Lighthouse score is way better (scores of 100 or close to it). Documentation is now in a separate layout (Astro provides a very complete documentation addition).
You can preview the site at:

Forum also has a dark mode option now. Just the Package viewer has had no work at all yet, so that has to be done before the new site can go live.

I think data-aos-duration="3000" should be 1500/2000 for the fade-ins and fade-ups.
The fades should be one time. A second scrolling through the page doesn't need them.
The colors aren't as clean as the current; seem to have a lot of black in them.

Nothing so constant as change.