Thank you KaOS & Community...

I am relativley new to Linux but have been "Distro Hopping" since "Gnome 2" was dropped, which was where I started... with "eww-buntu".

I have tried many distro's, Debian variants, Fedora, OpenSUSE, PCLinucOS, Mandriva etc... and many of the not so common flavours... Calculate... Sabayon (Gentoo flavours), Netrunner, Kali, Bridge, Vector just to name a few.

I'm very impressed with this distro and have been amazed at how easy it was to install, it's speed and it's stability.. great job by all. Thank you very much.

My last distro wasn't as mint... as I thought it would be (very unstable) ... blah! Now my system is "totalKaOS", and I love it... Keep up the great work everyone.

Cheers from NZ


Ho, candyman

Welcome to KaOS community ;)

Ho, candyman

Welcome to KaOS community ;)

Thanks Yoyo...

So far the only thing I had a problem with, was trying to access my Internet banking site. QupZilla was unable to camoflage itself as a valid browser, even after I changed to another ID. I remember having a similar problen with an earlier version of "Rekonq" in another distro, but they fixed that with an update in the latest version. I was actually running late for work so I installed Firefox...

Thanks again for a great distro...

"From KaOS comes tranquillity" :)