Hello i am new to this community, my name is Marvin and im a newbie in linux started today :? .I want to learn linux that is one reason why i installed this linux distro.

My hobbies are: Osu!, Chess, Teeworlds, Basketball, Anime & Manga, Community, Friends

btw. how can i install nvidia/nvidia-utils without having conflicts with mesa-libgl ?

Hi kopy, welcome to KaOS

There is no mesa-libgl in KaOS, so it can't conflict.

During bootup of the live ISO you have a choice between free, and non-free nvidia, if you choose the latter, the install and live mode will automatically use nvidia.

To switch after the install, see:

If you are complete new to linux then a rolling, small distro like KaOS is not the best choice, most users start with the big ones like, Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSuse to name a few.

thanks for your reply !, i got my nvidia installed.

If you are complete new to linux then a rolling, small distro like KaOS is not the best choice, most users start with the big ones like, Mint, Ubuntu, OpenSuse to name a few.

there shouldn't be problems, i have a linux book aside.