Only a few hours in KaOS and I'm fully enjoing it.
I stumbled with KaOS by chance after many attempts of hopping into a non bloated KDE based distro. A complex duty to be certain. Tried quite a few and didn't managed to find one either running smooth and stable enough or non being fully bloated of unwanted stuff. After more than a month of constant distro hopping I think I finally found the one to settle down.
Switched from Mac to Linux after many years on that platform and I've been exclusively on Linux for a year and a half now (Always Debian based distros or Debian itself). Spent on Crunchbang quite a while as my main desktop. A killer fully stable system, by the way. But wanted something more up to date and missed KDE so much, so here I am, folks. :
A los que hablamos ese otro idioma, Hola a todos! Es realmente sorprendente encontrar un foro de una distribución no muy popular que no parece una isla desierta y aun más ver tanto personal hispano parlante. Parece que KaOS va a resultar ser todo un hallazgo.