Well, like some of the other members on the forums, I am another migrator looking for a good KDE environment/distro. I have high standards and have picky taste for themes and styleing that distros use. However, the problem I face is (finding one that is fast, consistent, fun to use, and looks good) is that my hardware in my laptop and desktop are not liking Linux (or it just might be Arch-based systems) since the last updates from the begining of 2014. Prior to that, I don't remember having this many issues with my gpu drivers and sound card/chip. I like Manjaro, but I am scared to do updates anymore, my system breaks almost every time.

I like the idea of getting away from inferior bits, like 32, and using a tight nit system that is befitting better computers. Espcially one that lets KDE shine (as it should).

Plus the work that the people who have worked on this project, deserve a big pat on the back. Well done!

Well I hope everyone has a good day, morning, noon, or night.
