This is my first post on this forum so I thought I'd better say hello :)
I installed KaOS a couple of weeks ago and I've been so blown off my feet. What an amazing distro!! It runs my favourite kde desktop and is blisteringly fast. Everything seems really stable and I'm beginning to learn pacman; I've never previously used this packager before and what a breath of fresh air.
What I can't understand is why this lovely distro isn't more popular. I came across you from a Distrowatch update notification on twitter (my wife encouraged be after years of nagging that I would love twitter... but that's anoter story). Since then I've moved away from Kubuntu and openSUSE and now have you as my working OS. I do still have Windows 8.1 as I have unfortunately proprietary software that doesn't yet run on Linux (actually win8 is my favourite Microsaft product....)
Anyway before I waffle on too much.... Just wanted to say what is now obvious now; this is a great distro! :)