This topic will link reviews of KaOS as they are found, good or bad. Good reviews might show there is a place for KaOS, bad ones will show what needs improving.
So far no in depth reviews yet, but two more:
KaOS out to Distrowatch as new distribution on issue 534
From Italy
KaOS la nuova distribuzione basata su Arch Linux con KDE
Seems impossible to get it through, this is not Arch based.......
Seems impossible to get it through, this is not Arch based.......
I saw your comment on is blog ;)
A Japanese review:
As far as I can understand, reviewer would like someone to answer how to install Japanese input packages.
Those are not in the repo yet, no idea there would be Japanese users......
it's not a review but i made some advertising on facebook:
just put up a little word on the sourceforge-page
Just have publisched about KaOS on my site:
Philip Müller (Manjaro dev) presents to kaOS on Manjaro forum :)
Post/review in Spanish:
A quite complete review:
Since more experience issues with the "blur' desktop effect (which I suspect is the issue for this reviewer too), should that effect be disabled by default?
I agree.
Two reviews/mention of KaOS from sites that seem to have a lot of followers:
Very interesting opinion, well thought out:
Not sure if I read correctly, that he did not see any alternative to Calligra in the repo's (LibreOffice).
Well, this was expected, the hate would have to come back at one point:
Probably most will read these comments/reviews in threads like these as facts, so no reason to counter-act.
The point might be right in the end anyway, there is no place for another distro, small one like this.......
One more bad review:
Always the struggle, minimal install, just a working desktop, let the user decide what to add, or a more complete install? Biggest space eater though remain the language packs, most distros don't include the 400-500 Mb all those take.
Not a review of KaOS, but one where KaOS is used to benchmark another distro: