
KaOS does not fully roll the stable kernel, once a new kernel is tested well and makes it to stable, it usually stays at the same version for about six weeks. It only is updated once a new major version reaches about 3.xx.7 or 3.xx.8. The kernel is about the biggest cause for breakage in a rolling distribution, that is why this policy. That does not mean you can't have the latest kernel in KaOS, linux-next is fully rolling and is always at the latest version. For those who want even more stability, or have hardware from about 2005-2008, there is also the option to use the lts kernel, currently at linux-lts 3.254, maintained through 2016 (used in Debian Wheezy) Please follow these instructions to add these kernel(s) to your install (and you will be helping to get the next stable kernel up in as good a shape as possible):


As always, update first

sudo pacman -Syu

Next check what all depends on linux in your system

pacman -Qi linux

look for the line "required by=", anything there needs the -next version (except lirc-utils, no -next version available, and might be removed from the repo's soon anyway).

To install the latest kernel:

sudo pacman -S linux-next

and add any other -next version you had of packages in the "required by" line, examples linux-next-headers, nvidia-next.

After all is installed regenerate grub (for BIOS installs).

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

On reboot, linux-next will be the default kernel to boot into, stable kernel is still an available choice. Do not remove the stable kernel, much better to always have two options for kernels to boot into.

For UEFI installs, add a new file to /boot/loader/entries by opening:

kdesu kate /boot/loader/entries/KaOS.confand edit the linux and initrd line to read as:

linux /vmlinuz-linux-next

initrd /initramfs-linux-next.img

Save as KaOS-next.conf, and you will have the choice to boot from linux-next in the gummi menu. To make it default, edit:

kdesu kate /boot/loader/loader.confchange KaOS to KaOS-next.


As always, update first

sudo pacman -Syu

Next check what all depends on linux in your system

pacman -Qi linux

look for the line "required by=", anything there needs needs to be removed from your system (except lirc-utils), there is no support in KaOS for legacy Nvidia, the free nouveau is a better option .

To install the long-term-support kernel:

sudo pacman -S linux-lts

After all is installed regenerate grub

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

On reboot, linux-lts will be an option in grub as a kernel to boot into, stable kernel is still an available choice. Do not remove the stable kernel, much better to always have two options for kernels to boot into.

2 months later

I use currently the linux-next kernel and she does a awesome Job, since the Radeon Chip works better with 3.13, which is really great, since KaOS is a full rolling Distro

I wish to stay on the Kernel, even when it becomes stable and upgrade just to 3.14, when it is stable.

Is that possible please ?

When 3.13 becomes the stable kernel, and linux-next moves to 3.14, just boot into linux, not linux-next, yo have those options in grub.

If you want to stay on 3.13 forever, you can add linux to the ignore list in pacman.conf

No, that way you will stay on linux 3.12.5

And certainly not forever. Once KaOS moves to 3.14 with the stable kernel, no security fixes will come to 3.13 (unless you build yourself), plus 3.13 probably is not a long term support kernel, so won't be maintained upstream either.

Will you offer long time Support for the next LTS Version of Linux?

Re-read the first post, it has a section for the lts kernel now.

3 months later

how to recompile virtualbox driver on new kernel?

maybe something to remember on a next install of a package or update. When you installed virtualbox there was a message in pacman that explained to you how to rebuild. Always a good practice to read all the pacman output carefully.

For now, you can rebuild the kernel modules either by re-installing, "sudo pacman -S virtualbox", or the official way:

/usr/bin/vboxsetup setup

thanks demm for prompt response. i did remember seeing the message when i installed it (and couldn't remember it now) but was wondering if there is a way to go and take a look it after the fact. same applies to the message that you have added for google chrome theme for KaOS as part of chrome install. can it show up in Octopi under any of the tab for the packages or any other place to go take a look at(like a pacman commandline option). reinstall is always an option but other mechanisms would also be helpful.

You can always read it back in /var/log/pacman.log

The package "pacmanlogviewer" is a GUI for it, but you are in luck, the Octopi dev just added code to integrate that package into octopi, so on the next update you get for it, you have the option under "tools".


Sorry, that package only shows the history, not the .intsall messages, so you'll have to use the actual /var/log/pacman.log

thanks demm.

April snapshot looks and works beautifully for me on my SSD laptop. once in a while i see a crash when clicking on 'gtk' in settings(used to get it more frequently when clicking on systemd in settings in march snapshot).

i used to have issues with chrome dev browser(march snapshot) on certain sites where a "pre-render" process would consume lot of cpu cycles.

the current chrome version is perfect and i also believe memory usage in the distribution has come down a bit.

everything looks snappy and beautiful.only thing missing for me was my printer driver (which you mentioned in a different note as a 32 bit one that cant be supported).

i recently tried netrunner rolling but i believe they have some way to go.

not sure if you have considered some of the apps in blueshell repo (like samba mount/web-accounts etc)

thanks again for the wonderful work and prompt responses.

Can you open a new post for those crashes? Tutorials not the place for it, but need to be examined.

Or better, open an Issue for it on the github:

RC1-2-3 is not packaged in KaOS, ever.

Once linux-next 3.14 is nice and stable, it will move to linux, so then linux-next is open for 3.15, no set time or version for that.

11 days later

hi demm.

i am trying to recompile the kernel. i want to change some things like processor type, etc.




sudo make oldconfig menuconfig

everything ok


here is the problem:

sudo make

gives me this error

sudo make

scripts/kconfig/conf --silentoldconfig Kconfig

scripts/ /usr/src/linux-3.13.10-1/arch/x86/syscalls/Makefile: No existe el fichero o el directorio

make: *** No rule to make target '/usr/src/linux-3.13.10-1/arch/x86/syscalls/Makefile'. Alto.

/usr/src/linux-3.13.10-1/arch/x86/Makefile: recipe for target 'archheaders' failed

make: *** Error 2

i need help. thanks

Why not checkout all the linux files from github/core, edit the config file for your settings, and use makepkg to build?