Hi there,

Im new to KaOs, installed it last week on my new laptop. HP with AMB a8 processor 17 inch monitor and a amd radeon graphics card on board.

Of course i wanted Linux on my Hp laptop, and tried a lot of Linux distro' s.

Including the big names in Linux world like Ubuntu, SUSE and Mint but also Puppy Linux. Every time there was something wrong.

No sound, display setting only 800x 600 (Ubuntu ) or no display at all (Mint) !! and always NO WIFI!!

But then there was KaOs Linux, every thing worked out of the box , WiFi included!

The only thing , i had to turn of most of the power management , to keep the Kaos from freezing at low battery power.

thank you KaOs for this great distro.

keep up the good work..

greetings CPB

Hi CPB, thanks for the kind words.

Could you provide some logs for the power managament/low battery issue?

Would be great to see the logs right after such a freeze, best pastebin.

sudo journalctl --since="2014-11-28 12:34:56" --until="2014-11-28 13:34:56"

Adjust the time frame above for the time you did invoke that freeze and subsequent reboot.

Hello Demm,

This is the output of the code you ask for.

I don't know how past-bin works. sorry!

I think the problem was the network manager , but after a big update this problem was gone.


$ sudo journalctl --since="2014-11-20 12" --until="2014-11-28 13"


-- Logs begin at ma 2014-11-24 11 CET, end at za 2014-11-29 11 CET. --

nov 24 11 Peter-pc systemd: Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.

nov 24 11 Peter-pc systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user): session closed for user peter

nov 24 11 Peter-pc obexd: OBEX daemon 5.22

nov 24 11 Peter-pc pulseaudio: Daemon already running.

nov 24 11 Peter-pc org.kde.kuiserver: kuiserver: Fatal IO error: client killed

-- Reboot --

nov 24 12 Peter-pc systemd: Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc systemd: pam_unix(systemd-user): session closed for user peter

nov 24 12 Peter-pc obexd: OBEX daemon 5.22

nov 24 12 Peter-pc pulseaudio: Daemon already running.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: (to root) peter on pts/2

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: pam_unix(su): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: pam_unix(su): session closed for user root

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: (to root) peter on pts/2

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: pam_unix(su): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)

nov 24 12 Peter-pc su: pam_unix(su): session closed for user root

nov 24 12 Peter-pc org.kde.kuiserver: kuiserver: Fatal IO error: client killed

-- Reboot --

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eno1) Stage 3 of 5 (IP Configure Start) complete.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: version 6.6.2 starting

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: <info> (eno1): DHCPv4 state changed nbi -> preinit

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: DUID 00

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: eno1: IAID 17

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: version 6.6.2 starting

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: DUID 00

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: eno1: IAID 17

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: eno1: soliciting an IPv6 router

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: eno1: soliciting an IPv6 router

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: eno1: rebinding lease of

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: eno1: rebinding lease of

nov 24 12 Peter-pc kdm_greet: Data directory "/var/lib/kdm" not accessible: Bestand of map bestaat niet

nov 24 12 Peter-pc avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for fe80: on eno1.*.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc ntpd: Listen normally on 4 eno1 fe80: UDP 123

nov 24 12 Peter-pc ntpd: peers refreshed

nov 24 12 Peter-pc ntpd: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver

nov 24 12 Peter-pc kdm_greet: Cannot load /usr/share/apps/kdm/faces/.default.face: Bestand of map bestaat niet

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: eno1: leased for 172800 seconds

nov 24 12 Peter-pc avahi-daemon: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eno1.IPv4 with address

nov 24 12 Peter-pc dhcpcd: eno1: adding route to

nov 24 12 Peter-pc avahi-daemon: New relevant interface eno1.IPv4 for mDNS.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on eno1.IPv4.

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: eno1: leased for 172800 seconds

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: dhcpcd: eno1: adding route to

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: <info> (eno1): DHCPv4 state changed preinit -> reboot

nov 24 12 Peter-pc NetworkManager: <info> address