Beautiful distro. All hail to the developers and testers.

I am a terrible distro hopper, but have recently moved from Vsido Raptor (XFCE) to KaoS and loving it.

Arch/KDE that just works. it has stayed on my main desktop PC for days now, must be a record. Just like Archbang stays on my little netbook. It simply works efficiently. I hope to keep KaoS on for a very long time.

I have tried Manjaro KDE as every version is released but have never managed to get a live DVD to boot. Bridge Linux is dull and boring. BlueStar has a brilliant future but only one developer.

Happy now to recommend KaoS to my clients now. Every conversion to Linux makes me feel proud of being able to think differently and is always a small blow to the "must be window$" mindset.

One small plea...May we have Ktorrent please. There doesn't seem to be a suitable torrent client in the repo's and Ktorrent has the ability to shut down the PC after torrents have finished.

Once again well done for producing an Arch-KDE distribution that works. No update problems, no breakages (yet) and reasonably light on resources. More than happy to donate when pay day comes around. It's worth it.

Best wishes to all involved in it's development.

Ian W

Welcome to KaOS DelphGeek, and thank you for the kind words :).

One correction though, this is not an Arch based distribution, maybe you want to read :).

Hi, DelphGeek

Welcome to the KaOS community ;)

Hello ag. ain Demn and co.

Sincere apologies for my assumption that this distro was Arch based. I should have read the info' on the site before posting. Doh! And yes, seeing pacman reinforced my misguided belief. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

I came to KaoS via Distrowatch's upcoming distributions where it clearly states built from scratch.

Double doh!

Even more amazing therefore that this built from scratch distro works so damned well. Thank you again Demn and all who help.

I purchased a new desktop PC for a client three days ago and installed KaoS alongside window$ 7.

He called me last night to tell me how much faster (and better looking) your distro is than window$ and wants window$ to be removed completely now. He loves KaoS and can even manage a pacman -Syu all on his own! Very proud and telling his aquaintances about the difference. He is currently leaning how to use GIMP as a photoshop alternative as he is an amateur photographer.

All hail to those willing to jump ship and unlearn bad habits.

Once again, a very sincere thank you to all those involved with getting KaoS ready for a public release. It really was worth the effort. If I can help (bearing in mind the shaky start) I am more than happy to do what I can.

Promoting Linux and now specifically KaoS can be achieved simply by talking to those with an open mind instead of an open wallet.

My Wife says she likes KaoS too so that's a good sign.

Keep up the brilliant work.

Ian W

It is going to be a constant assumption, that KaOS is based on Arch, how else can you have fully rolling, up to date repositories.........:). That is why the lengthy post in FAQ for it and mention "not based one any", "build from scratch" in many places.

Best way to help now is look how new users find their way around using KaOS, what is not intuitive, what documentation is not clear enough, or plain not there. Much of that documentation can be commented on the "Tutorial" section in the forum, or add another, if needed, topic there.

One small plea...May we have Ktorrent please. There doesn't seem to be a suitable torrent client in the repo's and Ktorrent has the ability to shut down the PC after torrents have finished.

What do you know......tried one more time building both libktorrent and ktorrent from git (to avoid to have to write patches), and it builds now with their latest commits :).

If you want to help test, you need to enable the repo, it needs to stay there a few days to make sure this does not break kget:

4 days later

Demm, I wish to echo a previous poster. This distro is fantastic. I have run linux since hat, mandriva, arch, opensuse, pclinuxos and am a fan of KDE. You have a hit on your hands! I have been searching for a rolling-release distribution that features KDE and is simple to install and maintain. Kaos fits that description. I discovered Kaos on Distrowatch and installed it that night. All the software I need is available in the repositories including libreoffice. Kaos is a keeper.

bonjour a tous !!!

Tout d'abord excellente et tres belle piece que ce KA os!!! :

et oui , je suis un fan de manjaro et pourtant je craque aussi pour KAOS.

j'aime son coté carré, clean et modrene grace a la clarté du bureau KDE

Mais il va se poser un souci: que faire de notre materiel ne fonctionnant qu'en 32 bits!!

dois je jetter mon imptimùante EPSON???(elle a moins d'un an) :

voila un des aspects des problemes qui vont se poser au fur et a mesure du temps.

mais voila , comme je n'ai jamais trouvé une distribution aussi bien foutue pour une premiere mouture ;) ;)

(certains OS finalisé ne lui arrivent pas a la cheville ) , je vais faire l'effort de la garder en dual boot!!!

Je vais suivre son evolution au cours du temps!!!!

En tout cas chapeau c'est une reussite!!!!!!

Hi Laurent82, welcome to KaOS.

Not sure what you are trying to say about 32 bit and Epson. Is that a printer? Why does it need 32 bit?

hi demm

yes it's a printer reference all in one (print and scan)

i think i have made a mistake!!!

i realise it works on manjaro and it's working on 64 bits!!!

where could i found the drivers??? i think my mind has made a mix whit your repos and arch repos!!!

i don't have drunk anything !!! or smoking!!! lol

For Epson printing, these packages are included in the ISO:

Not sure what driver you need for that printer besides those two. Did you read/see the printing tutorial? It has a section for Epson multi-functional printers:

14 days later

Hello everybody, my name is José Pedro and I am Spanish. I live in the "Costa de la Luz".

I'm here ater seening a Yoyo's review, I've been testing and the truth is that I like. I started a few years ago with Ubuntu afer Debian and then came sick of Gnome started looking for a Distro that is dedicated only to KDE or Xfce and recently I met Manjaro and Chakra. Then came Yoyo and I'm here.

I apologize for my bad English.

Welcome to KaOS, dx797, for me, the best distribution with KDE. Enjoy it.

Y con unos cuantos usuarios hispanoparlantes.


5 days later


Welcome to KaOS ;)

Me alegra saber que lo que escribo sirve de ayuda :)