Beautiful distro. All hail to the developers and testers.
I am a terrible distro hopper, but have recently moved from Vsido Raptor (XFCE) to KaoS and loving it.
Arch/KDE that just works. it has stayed on my main desktop PC for days now, must be a record. Just like Archbang stays on my little netbook. It simply works efficiently. I hope to keep KaoS on for a very long time.
I have tried Manjaro KDE as every version is released but have never managed to get a live DVD to boot. Bridge Linux is dull and boring. BlueStar has a brilliant future but only one developer.
Happy now to recommend KaoS to my clients now. Every conversion to Linux makes me feel proud of being able to think differently and is always a small blow to the "must be window$" mindset.
One small plea...May we have Ktorrent please. There doesn't seem to be a suitable torrent client in the repo's and Ktorrent has the ability to shut down the PC after torrents have finished.
Once again well done for producing an Arch-KDE distribution that works. No update problems, no breakages (yet) and reasonably light on resources. More than happy to donate when pay day comes around. It's worth it.
Best wishes to all involved in it's development.
Ian W