Hi there,

First I'd like to thank you for this awesome distribution! I have been running KaOS since last october without any issues and I am really impressed by the quality and the stability of this distribution. Performances are also pretty good! This is the first time I actually enjoy using KDE!

I've been using Linux since 2010. I started with Ubuntu and then did a lot of distro hopping. I discovered KaOS on a manjaro forum and decided to give it a try. Now I feel like I'm at home with KaOS and I don't plan to change anymore!

The only Gtk application I am missing is NuvolaPlayer (https://tiliado.eu/nuvolaplayer/) but I've started to work on a Qt5 alternative: ;)

Welcome, and enjoy KaOS.

Welcome, and if you think your app is ready for daily use, please note it.

KaOS users creating such apps.....great :)

Since no equal to Nuvola is in the repo, your app is Qt5, it certainly is a candidate to be added to the KaOS repos.

Hello demm

> Since no equal to Nuvola is in the repo, your app is Qt5, it certainly is a candidate to be added to the KaOS repos.

Woaw that would be cool :)

The app is not ready yet. At the moment, there is only one supported cloud service : grooveshark. And there is no preferences. But it's already fairly stable (e.g. I have used it at work during the whole day). I think I might have a first alpha version before the end of the month (with at least a second service implemented (maybe spotify ) and a preference dialog for changing media player shortcuts).

One question: is the compatibility with KDE4/Qt4 important for KaOS? I am using KGlobalAccel to get the media keys working but I guess I would need to port the app to Qt4 to be able to link with KGlobalAccel on KDE4??

No, KDE 4 is out very soon.

All is geared to make a full switch to Plasma 5 by the end of February, then KDE 4 will be completely deleted from KaOS.

Great! Exactly what I wanted to hear ;)

I'll let you know when a beta version is available.

21 days later


A first beta release is available in the release section on github:

Should I package it first to KCP? I'd like it to be easily installable before I create a topic to introduce the application to the KaOS users...

I'll try to package it, and place it in the repo first (should be simple to package, looking at the README).

Build for KaOS:

One bug so far, did a workaround here (used qtcreator to make the missing .qm):

Great, thank you! I'll wait for my mirror to sync and tomorrow I will create a new topic to talk about the app.

If you want, I can announce on the KaOS G+ channel, any new Qt5/kf5 app is always announced there :)

Hi, ColinDuquesnoy

Welcome to KaOS :)