I have done so much distro hopping in the past couple years my fingers are still sore from all the terminals... This is the first distro in a long time that I have felt at home on my own machine. :) After gnome and ubuntu took that turn a few years ago into gnome's 3rd iteration, I have felt quite lost in the woods as far as feeling comfortable with my own machine... I discovered distros like arch and gentoo, fedora and opensuse, even tried slackware for a time... I gues it was a good thing I was turned off of the friendly userness of ubuntu as it forced me to dive into the more complicated aspects of linux machines and now I'm extremely comfortable no just about any environment, but that doesn't make it my home. I'm glad KaOS has a definite goal and focus, more distros need that. Diversity is good, but this is what I've been looking for. So far it's been an amazing experience :) I hope I'm here to stay.