I can't update

[fred@fred ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu


:: Synchronizing package databases...

kde-next is up to date

build is up to date

core is up to date

main is up to date

apps is up to date

:: Starting full system upgrade...

:: Replace prison-qt5 with kde-next/prison? [Y/n] y

oplossen van afhankelijkheden...

controle van interne conflicten...

:: opencv-qt5 and opencv are in conflict. Remove opencv? [y/N] y

error: failed to prepare transaction (kan niet alle afhankelijkheden voldoen)

:: frei0r-plugins: requires opencv

What must I do?


pacman -Qi prison

pacman -Qi frei0r-plugins

And post the "required by" line for both

Also post the output of:

pacman -Qm

Any package in the repo required by the above 2 will be tried to build against the Qt5 version of prison and frei0R.

If it is a non repo package blocking the update, then you have to try yourself to build against the Qt5 versions or remove.

AFAIK, all packages in the repos have been rebuild in kde-next to use correct Qt5 versions.

[fred@fred ~]$ pacman -Qi prison

error: package 'prison' was not found

[fred@fred ~]$ pacman -Qi frei0r-plugins

Naam : frei0r-plugins

Versie : 1.4-3

Beschrijving : frei0r is a minimalistic plugin API for video sources and filters.

Architectuur : x86_64

URL : http://www.piksel.org/frei0r

Licenties: GPL

Groepen: None

Voorziet : None

Afhankelijk Van : gcc-libs gavl opencv

Optioneel Afhankelijk Van : None

Vereist Door : None

Optional For : None

Conflicteert Met : None

Vervangt : None

Installed Size : 5120,00 KiB

Pakketbeheerder : Anke Boersma <demm@kaosx.us>

Build Datum : do 01 mei 2014 06:32:13 CEST

Installatiedatum : zo 07 sep 2014 04:03:53 CEST

Installatiereden : Installed as a dependency for another package

Installatiescript : Nee

Validated By : SHA256 Sum

[fred@fred ~]$ pacman -Qm

prison-qt5 1.2.0-2

Sorry, my mistake, meant opencv, not prison.

But since it is just frei0r-plugins, and I can't automate that one just yet, remove it for now, nothing needs it on your system

sudo pacman -R frei0r-plugins

Thank you, after removing the update works again. :)