Yesterday I have here format my partitions, create new one and install the new kf5 version.

I use here the online storage copy.

I download the linux version and start the CopyAgent. Normal I have a screen where to put my name and password but now I must do a choise to make open whit any software.

How to make this work?

I also use Copy.

Looks like the same as Dropbox. It is running but the icon is missing.

That screen I don't see where I can put my name and pasword.

The window should show before this one.

I still had a donwload from there web page.

cp -r x84_64/ /opt/ ; ln -s /opt/x84 _64/CopyAgent /usr/bin/ ; chmod +x /usr/bin/CopyAgent

Than start CopyAgent.

No icon in the menu or tray.

Check with htop that it runs.

Or I just tried to install via makepkg -si from the PKGBUILD I found. I edited the PKGBUILD from optdepends=("qt4: to qt5

This also gives me an entry in the menu but no icon in the tray.

If nothing works start CopyConsole -username=<email> -root=/home/<user>/Copy that writes your login.

And again check with htop if it is running.

Thank you I go try your tips.

As alternative I have install from kcp megasynch and this works fine with more storage.