using the latest iso + latest updates, are we using systemd 218 or 219?

My confusion came from the latest news on Kaos website mentioning 219 while I still see 218 as the first line during my boot. Or maybe 219 is in the build repo but has not been yet finalized?


Hi there mohamed,

Did you check your Octopi? There you can see what version is used. I have currently 219.

Cheers..... ;)

Thank you Michael for your response. Indeed my Octopi says that systemd package is '219-1'.

But why does it still print at boot time 'starting 218'?


do you have installed other distro mohammed?

if yes,

You need to upgrade grub from distro to start grub

my kernel default is:

sorry I misread, confused kernel with systemd

Showing the systemd version during the boot-up was a new feature added in systemd 217.

To get rid of the message altogether, add this to your kernel command line:


To get the message to show the correct version after every systemd update, regenerate the initramfs:

sudo mkinitcpio -p linux

And there are quite a few ways to get version of packages, besides octopi, there is pacman:

pacman -Q package_name to get the version of the installed package, make it pacman -Qi to get full package info

pacman -Sii package_name to get full info of any package in the repo, not just installed.


Thank you demm for the answer. Of course my intention was not to jam the forum with redundant questions.

I was kind of sure we are using system 219 since it was mentioned in the latest news on the website. So, I was mainly looking for how to make this appear at boot up time. (And this latter information is not anywhere on the guide or FAQ :) )

Thanks again.