New user. Excellent distro. Like the defaults as such. Found one issue on current/latest KaOS release.
When logging in to the system for the first time or waking up after sleep password kee...
Using KaOS along with KDE Neon in the past one month. Really liked it. Smooth and fast.
Firefox installation and usage works fine through octopi. But during installation getting lot of warn...
I use fcitx for inputing Japanese. It has always worked flawlessly ever since I first installed KaOS about 2 years ago. However, in the last OS upgrade, fcitx seems to be broken. The relevant pack...
So, I had my machine happily dual-bootiing Ubuntu & KaOS, but a few weeks ago some sort of update mucked with the GRUB2 setup. I didn't notice at the time, because I was working on Ubuntu, an...
Hi Guys, I,m a newbie and need some help fixing a long boot time. During boot the spash screen come up very quickly, and then it stops with a black screen and 2 lines as below: Starting version...
Okt 17 13:29:17 <HOSTNAME> systemd-coredump[863]: Process 861 (snapperd) of user 0 dumped core.
dbus-launch was helpful in this situation. I think its kinda risky to snapshot with an ...
I've always use -> sleep in ram -> use and so on (i've doing it without any issue since years) last 3 days it cannot wake from sleep. It has nothing in journalctl, maybe some kind of systemd ...
What software do we have available to make WOL (wake on lan)?
I need to turn on remote machines from my PC.
Hello everybody, I recently had updated the whole system and it doesn't allow me to connect to my wifi network, neither it sees any wifi connection.
I don't know much about informatics...
On intel hardware
inxi -G Graphics: Device-1: Intel Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520] driver: i915 v: kernel Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.5 driver: modesetting resolution: 1920x1080~...
Maybe rebulid Falkon is needed.
After Qt update, I cannot write on the newly loaded page. I must first click on a address bar or search bar, and only after clicking again on the page, I ca...
Spotify does not work against current qtwebengine widevine package since normal widevine works in chrome.
So, I installed KaOS on my machine expecting to dual-boot w/ another linux OS while testing it out.
However, when the install remade the boot loader, it did not create a boot option for the...
Hello, I just installed KaOS on a tablet, and the WiFi card does not work. This was expected, and was remedied in an Ubunto install by following the instructions here to install the driver:
I see there is OpenCL for AMD and NVidia in repo, but there are no OpenCL intel no? I want to use it but unfortunately should compile all from source?
Hello, for some time krdc not worked for me using rdp connection. It did not work on older system and is not working on clean new installation. Now I try to use freerdp and it shows:
When playing MPV's, I've repeatedly had a problem that I've never had before (and I have 7 running Linux distros installed right now, and a year's history with this pc) that the sound seems to go a...
After upgrade to 5.16 powerdevil does not work at side of sending notifications about critical battery level, does not perform action on critical battery level, also does not handle alt+f2 type sle...
After installing lightworks I get the following error when trying to run it.
/usr/lib/lightworks/ntcardvt: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shar...
Instalando los paquetes seleccionados...
resolving dependencies... warning: cannot resolve "crossguid", a dependency of "kodi"
:: The following package cannot be upgraded due to...