Hi there, been out of touch with KAOS for long, as the display broke on the Laptop I had installed it in.
Long story short, I have now powered it back up and cannot update.
Octopi gives this message:
Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: kde-touchpad-config: requires kde-workspace
Command finished with errors
sudo pacman -Syu
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
main is up to date
apps is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace about-distro with apps/kinfocenter? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-3rdparty with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-braindump with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-data with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-extras with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-filters with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-flow with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-handbook with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-interfaces with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-karbon with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-kexi with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-krita with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-libs with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-pics with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-plan with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-plugins with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-servicetypes with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-sheets with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-stage with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace calligra-words with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y
:: Replace cyrus-sasl-plugins with main/cyrus-sasl? [Y/n] y
:: Replace foomatic-filters with main/cups-filters? [Y/n] y
:: Replace grub2-editor with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y
:: Replace homerun with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kcm-ufw with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-base-artwork with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-baseapps-dolphin with apps/kde-baseapps? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-baseapps-konsole with apps/konsole? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-kdm-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-ksplash-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-plasma-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-runtime with apps/kde-cli-tools? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-workspace with apps/kwin? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kde-workspace with apps/plasma-desktop? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeadmin-kcron with apps/kcron? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeadmin-ksystemlog with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeadmin-kuser with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeadmin-print-manager with apps/print-manager? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdebindings-pykde4 with apps/pykde5? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdebindings-pykde4 with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdebindings-smokegen with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdebindings-smokekde with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdebindings-smokeqt with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeedu-marble with apps/marble? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegames-kpat with apps/kpat? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegames-libkdegames with apps/libkdegames? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-gwenview with apps/gwenview? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-kgamma with apps/kgamma? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-ksaneplugin with apps/libksane? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-ksnapshot with apps/ksnapshot? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-libkdcraw with apps/libkdcraw? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-libkexiv2 with apps/libkexiv2? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-libkipi with apps/libkipi? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-libksane with apps/libksane? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-okular with apps/okular? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdegraphics-svgpart with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdemultimedia-dragonplayer with apps/dragon? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdemultimedia-kmix with apps/kmix? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdemultimedia-thumbnailers with apps/audiothumbs? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdemultimedia-thumbnailers with apps/ffmpegthumbs? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdenetwork-kget with apps/kget? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdenetwork-kppp with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdepim-blogilo with apps/kdepim? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdepim-common with apps/kdepim? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-applets-icontasks with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-common with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-characters with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-dictionary with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdesdk-kate with apps/kate? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdesdk-kompare with apps/kompare? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdesdk-libkomparediff2 with apps/libkomparediff2? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeutils-ark with apps/ark? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeutils-kgpg with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeutils-kwalletmanager with apps/kwalletmanager? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kdeutils-sweeper with apps/sweeper? [Y/n] y
:: Replace kio-mtp with apps/kio-extras? [Y/n] y
:: Replace ktp-kded-integration-module with apps/ktp-kded-module? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libbluedevil with apps/bluez-qt? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libkolab with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libkpeople with apps/kpeople? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libmm-qt with apps/modemmanager-qt? [Y/n] y
:: Replace libnm-qt with main/networkmanager-qt? [Y/n] y
:: Replace mailx with core/s-nail? [Y/n] y
:: Replace midna-colors with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y
:: Replace polkit-kde-agent with apps/polkit-kde-agent-1? [Y/n] y
:: Replace telepathy-logger-qt with apps/telepathy-logger-qt5? [Y/n] y
:: Replace wallpapers-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: kde-touchpad-config: requires kde-workspace
Any information needed I can furnish.
Any help will be appreciated.