Hi there, been out of touch with KAOS for long, as the display broke on the Laptop I had installed it in.

Long story short, I have now powered it back up and cannot update.

Octopi gives this message:

Starting full system upgrade...

resolving dependencies...

looking for inter-conflicts...

:: kde-touchpad-config: requires kde-workspace

Command finished with errors

sudo pacman -Syu

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System

Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

#1) Respect the privacy of others.

#2) Think before you type.

#3) With great power comes great responsibility.


:: Synchronizing package databases...

core is up to date

main is up to date

apps is up to date

:: Starting full system upgrade...

:: Replace about-distro with apps/kinfocenter? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-3rdparty with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-braindump with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-data with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-extras with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-filters with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-flow with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-handbook with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-interfaces with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-karbon with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-kexi with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-krita with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-libs with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-pics with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-plan with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-plugins with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-servicetypes with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-sheets with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-stage with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace calligra-words with apps/calligra? [Y/n] y

:: Replace cyrus-sasl-plugins with main/cyrus-sasl? [Y/n] y

:: Replace foomatic-filters with main/cups-filters? [Y/n] y

:: Replace grub2-editor with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y

:: Replace homerun with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kcm-ufw with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-base-artwork with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-baseapps-dolphin with apps/kde-baseapps? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-baseapps-konsole with apps/konsole? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-kdm-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-ksplash-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-plasma-themes-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-runtime with apps/kde-cli-tools? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-workspace with apps/kwin? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kde-workspace with apps/plasma-desktop? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeadmin-kcron with apps/kcron? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeadmin-ksystemlog with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeadmin-kuser with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeadmin-print-manager with apps/print-manager? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdebindings-pykde4 with apps/pykde5? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdebindings-pykde4 with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdebindings-smokegen with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdebindings-smokekde with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdebindings-smokeqt with apps/smokegen? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeedu-marble with apps/marble? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegames-kpat with apps/kpat? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegames-libkdegames with apps/libkdegames? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-gwenview with apps/gwenview? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-kgamma with apps/kgamma? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-ksaneplugin with apps/libksane? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-ksnapshot with apps/ksnapshot? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-libkdcraw with apps/libkdcraw? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-libkexiv2 with apps/libkexiv2? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-libkipi with apps/libkipi? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-libksane with apps/libksane? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-okular with apps/okular? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdegraphics-svgpart with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdemultimedia-dragonplayer with apps/dragon? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdemultimedia-kmix with apps/kmix? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdemultimedia-thumbnailers with apps/audiothumbs? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdemultimedia-thumbnailers with apps/ffmpegthumbs? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdenetwork-kget with apps/kget? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdenetwork-kppp with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdepim-blogilo with apps/kdepim? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdepim-common with apps/kdepim? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-applets-icontasks with apps/plasma-workspace? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-common with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-characters with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-converter with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-dictionary with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeplasma-addons-runners-spellchecker with apps/kdeplasma-addons? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdesdk-kate with apps/kate? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdesdk-kompare with apps/kompare? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdesdk-libkomparediff2 with apps/libkomparediff2? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeutils-ark with apps/ark? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeutils-kgpg with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeutils-kwalletmanager with apps/kwalletmanager? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kdeutils-sweeper with apps/sweeper? [Y/n] y

:: Replace kio-mtp with apps/kio-extras? [Y/n] y

:: Replace ktp-kded-integration-module with apps/ktp-kded-module? [Y/n] y

:: Replace libbluedevil with apps/bluez-qt? [Y/n] y

:: Replace libkolab with apps/kpty? [Y/n] y

:: Replace libkpeople with apps/kpeople? [Y/n] y

:: Replace libmm-qt with apps/modemmanager-qt? [Y/n] y

:: Replace libnm-qt with main/networkmanager-qt? [Y/n] y

:: Replace mailx with core/s-nail? [Y/n] y

:: Replace midna-colors with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y

:: Replace polkit-kde-agent with apps/polkit-kde-agent-1? [Y/n] y

:: Replace telepathy-logger-qt with apps/telepathy-logger-qt5? [Y/n] y

:: Replace wallpapers-midna with apps/midna-themes? [Y/n] y

resolving dependencies...

looking for inter-conflicts...

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)

:: kde-touchpad-config: requires kde-workspace

Any information needed I can furnish.

Any help will be appreciated.

Looks like you didn't update for almost one year....

In those cases make sure to read back in the News. There you'll notice the used Desktop has a complete change.

Your conflicting package was replaced by another about August last year, since then that new package has been merged in new plasma packages. So remove that package, then try to update again.

But again, read the News, there are more things you need to do now, of course I can't know what all since no idea how long you did not update.

A rolling release is never a good choice if you don't update regularly, think of it as a bicycle, perfectly stable when it rolls along, try to sit on it while standing still, not stable at all.

Yes, That would be right. Last updated in May last year if I am not mistaken.

Thanks for the guidance.