Keepassxc in main repo needs "". Keepassxc from build repo works OK.
I want to update Flatpaks from Octopi and/orDiscover, and be able to update them with Pacman along with system updates. Thanks!
After installing Telegram, I got this: 'To run this application the first time, use /opt/Telegram/Telegram from the command line, after that it will be added to your menu'
It w... Install path is incorrect ...
Is Builds locked? I'm getting a 404 from all mirrors.
I installed kaos today from the 2023.07-x86_64 iso, zfs root filesystem. I then installed flatpak. This took several goes. Octopi gave me about 10 error messages about not being able to fin...
I just installed the latest release and then tried to add an English language module to Libreoffice. Doing so generated the following error. error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting fi...
Updated today. [2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] transaction completed [2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] running 'systemd-tmpfiles.hook'... [2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] runni...
[2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] transaction completed [2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] running 'systemd-tmpfiles.hook'... [2023-04-01T08:40:37+0100] [ALPM] runni...
:: Synchronizing package databases... core downloading... main downloading... apps downloading... :: Starting full system upgrade... resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting pac...
Last update (main repo) makes keepassxc unstartable. It prints error: keepassxc needs Qt 5.15.7, but Qt 5.15.6 was found.
I was playing around with KaOS and was testing out it's version of Pacman but as soon as I tried to install the Gnome desktop environment, I immediately got errors when I typed "sudo pacman -S gnom...
Hi all. After the update in 05.04.2022 (day / month / year), my Kaos apparently don't recognize my graphical card (intel). A windows10 in the same notebook still working normally. How can I downgra...
I'm having an audio issue, but on research i found this: After updating, on pacman I see this log.
[2022-05-19T01:07:03-0300] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] :: Building initramfs for linux-ne...
When updating today, after syncing, next message appears:
:: wxwidgets and wxgtk are in conflict. Remove wxgtk? [y/N] error: unresolvable package conflicts detected error: failed t...
Hi, Just upgraded this morning (Kaos_next) - afterwards am unable to launch libreoffice. linux 5.15.6-1-next #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Dec 1 12:34:53 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux
I was in the Wayland session, and after seemingly successful update and reboot it was as if the password was not recognized at login; no such message, just the password field gets empty after "ent...
Hi, I've been getting this update error for the past couple of days now, saying I'm not synced and that I should wait for my mirror to sync before I update. I thought it would resolve itself but it...
i have a very difficult problem i cant install stuff because it keeps saying i dont have enough space but i have over 37gb of free space how do i fix this ?
A strange directory appeared today in my home directory. This was after todays update ie: /anke/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ . It is empty but it appeared once before and I just ...
Hi everyone. After the update of today, I wasn't able to start a graphic shell. I use only the [core], [main] and [apps] repositories. When I run plasma_session I get an error ...
Package management, mirror questions, update issues