Hello, have anyone noticed the same bug as reported in here?
I did a fresh install and this kind of annoys when the computer locks and one have to first focus the mouse in the password input box.
Hello, have anyone noticed the same bug as reported in here?
I did a fresh install and this kind of annoys when the computer locks and one have to first focus the mouse in the password input box.
Seems you mean a lockscreen bug.
SDDM is used on login, lockscreen is not part of the sddm package, but part of plasma 5.
And yes it is a well known upstream bug, quite a few more reports for it. One fix was posted by one of the KDE devs, didn't work.
Simple workaround, use the Tab key to set the focus on the password field, 2 times Tab for one user, 3 for 2 users.
Thank you for the input demm, on another computer I use Arch with plasma and I never noticed that bug, I've just tested and it works fine. So I thought it was something specific of the theme used.
This is where the main bug report is:
The patch posted under comment 8 is applied in KaOS, and as noted by other reporters, doesn't fix the issue.
It has been discussed on kde-devel IRC with participation of pretty much all distros (and confirmed bug for all), so not a KaOS issue.
Well on Arch it works fine, so there must be some working patch or some version that works.