Good Morning,

i have not a lot experience with linux and my KaOS is since 1 week on my computer and i love it! :-)

now i have a simple question: how to install programms if they are not in my Octopi? is it better to use deb or rpm packages?

Tank you and nice greetings from germany


Neither (keiner).

You should study

and maybe some topics in the forum section 'creating packages using kcp'

If you need packages that are not in the regular kaos repos, you have some options: first you can ask Demm to adopt these in the repos. He maybe will do so if it is a. a package of general interest and b. it is Qt and kde based and c. there is no other similar package in the repos and d. the amount of packages in the regular repos is not over 2000 ; if Demm is not inclined to do so, you can build it yourself and add it to the community packages repo (KCP) so everyone can use it without need to build it himself.

Don't be afraid to study these things: it is a good way to learn more about linux.