for me ithe issue appear since these update (bellow).
Firefox , work without problem and konqueror and youtube-dl too
update that generate this issue :
Running 'pacman -Sy'
synchronizing package lists
Running 'pacman -Su --noconfirm'
starting full system upgrade
transaction started
upgraded vc (0.7.5-1 -> 0.7.5-3)
upgraded mesa (11.0.4-1 -> 11.0.5-1)
upgraded libgl (11.0.4-1 -> 11.0.5-1)
upgraded kdb (2.96.0-8 -> 2.96.0-9)
upgraded device-mapper (2.02.133-1 -> 2.02.134-1)
upgraded lvm2 (2.02.133-1 -> 2.02.134-1)
upgraded ffmpeg (2.8.1-1 -> 2.8.2-1)
upgraded taglib (1.9.1-2 -> 1.10-1)
upgraded nss (3.20.1-1 -> 3.21-1)
upgraded quazip (0.7.1-1 -> 0.7.1-2)
upgraded calligra (2.9.105-1 -> 2.9.106-1)
Krita is no longer part of the Calligra Office Suite
This is the beginning of the split into multiple
standalone applications
install Krita with pacman -S krita
upgraded grub-theme-midna (1.3-1 -> 1.4-1)
upgraded kinfocenter (5.4.3-1 -> 5.4.3-2)
upgraded nbd (3.11-1 -> 3.12.1-1)
upgraded rp-pppoe (3.11-5 -> 3.12-1)
upgraded youtube-dl (2015.11.01-1 -> 2015.11.13-1)
transaction completed
could you try it by your side ?