yesterday , i have an update of kaos and since return an ssl error , impossible to connect it.

othe ssl web site work fine.

i check the update and i see that nss package was updating yesterday : perhaps it 's the problem

could you check it ?


If nss was an issue for YouTube it would have been reported by many by now.

Check with other browsers, try using MPV + youtube-dl, try using smplayer+smtube.

And check with your ISP, see if they changed what they block.



for me ithe issue appear since these update (bellow).

Firefox , work without problem and konqueror and youtube-dl too

update that generate this issue :

Running 'pacman -Sy'

synchronizing package lists

Running 'pacman -Su --noconfirm'

starting full system upgrade

transaction started

upgraded vc (0.7.5-1 -> 0.7.5-3)

upgraded mesa (11.0.4-1 -> 11.0.5-1)

upgraded libgl (11.0.4-1 -> 11.0.5-1)

upgraded kdb (2.96.0-8 -> 2.96.0-9)

upgraded device-mapper (2.02.133-1 -> 2.02.134-1)

upgraded lvm2 (2.02.133-1 -> 2.02.134-1)

upgraded ffmpeg (2.8.1-1 -> 2.8.2-1)

upgraded taglib (1.9.1-2 -> 1.10-1)

upgraded nss (3.20.1-1 -> 3.21-1)

upgraded quazip (0.7.1-1 -> 0.7.1-2)

upgraded calligra (2.9.105-1 -> 2.9.106-1)

Krita is no longer part of the Calligra Office Suite

This is the beginning of the split into multiple

standalone applications

install Krita with pacman -S krita

upgraded grub-theme-midna (1.3-1 -> 1.4-1)

upgraded kinfocenter (5.4.3-1 -> 5.4.3-2)

upgraded nbd (3.11-1 -> 3.12.1-1)

upgraded rp-pppoe (3.11-5 -> 3.12-1)

upgraded youtube-dl (2015.11.01-1 -> 2015.11.13-1)

transaction completed

could you try it by your side ?

No issue here, nor has anyone else reported. nss update is not new, it has been in use since Nov 13th. If it would have caused a youtube issue, it would have been reported by many.

ok but before the update i have report in my last message , youtube work and i don't find where is the problem.. i will search a solution ...

EDIT : i delete .config/qupzilla and reinstall :

- qupzilla : youtube work

- kf5-qupzilla : youtube don't work

so the issue come from kf5-qupzilla

problem seems to appear with all google website :

kf5-qupzilla is not a stable browser, just in the repos to follow the qtwebengine move. If that is the only place where you have an issue, don't use that browser until Qt 5.6 is out.

ok deem. i will move to other browser