
EDIT MARCH 1 2016:

KaOS was somehow removed altogether from this mirror now that it is back up

The mirror KaOS uses as default during the install is down, see

An email has been send to let the University that runs this mirror know about the outage, unfortunately it is Carnival in Brazil, so a response might not come for a few days.

So for all effected by this, you need to select a different mirror, open the mirrorlist:

kdesu kate /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlistand comment out the first mirror.

Go from:# Brazil

Server =$repo

#Server =$repo

to:# Brazil

#Server =$repo

#Server =$repo

Now the first uncommented mirror will be used, you can select a mirror close to you as first or use rankmirrors to check the fastest. For most, the South-African mirror will be the fastest Server =$repo

Best to run sudo pacman -Syy to make sure your local database is syncing with your new mirror before updating.


El mirror que KaOS usa durante la instalación está caído, vea

Se ha enviado un email a la Universidad que tiene este mirror para hacerles saber sobre este corte, pero desafortunadamente en Brazil están en Carnaval, por lo que pueden pasar algunos días hasta obtener respuesta.

Así que quienes estén afectados, deberán seleccionar un mirror diferente, abra el archivo mirrorlist:

kdesu kate /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist y comente el primer mirror.

Lo encontrará así:# Brazil

Server =$repo

#Server =$repo

Déjelo así:# Brazil

#Server =$repo

#Server =$repo

Ahora se usará el primer mirror que no esté comentado con #, puede usar un mirror más cercano a Ud. como primer mirror o bien usar rankmirrors para comprobar el más veloz. Para la mayoría el mirror más rápido será Server =$repo

Es mejor ejecutar sudo pacman -Syy para asegurarse de que su base de datos local está sincronizada con su nuevo mirror antes de actualizar.

Please read the instructions from the first post, you'll find the answer there.

This is no longer an issue, mirror is back up:

18 days later

First post in this thread is edited too, this mirror went down again a few days ago, now that it is back up, KaOS is completely removed from it.

We are not getting any response from emails send, what is happening, why removed......

This means KaOS has lost it's only South American mirror.