Hi, I'm pretty new to KaOS, although I've been using linux for a while now.

So far, I love the distro, but the thing is, I need to have 32 bit libraries for some programs to work(for instance, libc is one of them). I know KaOS won't maintain 32 bit packages, but does that mean that I can't have 32 bit apps?

So, my question is, what can I do about it? Can I compile the libraries I need? Maybe get them from other repo? I'm kind of lost in this 32bit/64bit mess, I would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction...


To have lib32 basically means you need to maintain another distro, plus make sure to read

You can't just compile a few, you need the full toolchain and the base of a system to compile any app.

Simple answer really is, if you absolute can't do without lib32, KaOS is the wrong distro for you.

Yeah, I have read it. I was just wondering. Such a shame, this distro looks good.


a year later

'Tis so bad, my heart so sad.... :-( On my limited data somehow I managed to download KaOS only to later discover that it's devoted only to 64 bit. The reasons they explain might seem valid but there are millions of us still having a good time computing on 32 bit. This way KaOS is simply limiting the numbers of users. C'mon KaOS don't be lazy...Please come up with libraries for 32 bit too. Thanks!

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