Hello, i'm french Guy who want to congratulate KaOs team for this great distribution. I' m a linux user from long years, ubuntu, debian, fedora ... with gnome or unity.
Then i try KaOs and i'm feel in love. Kde is great and kaos is very quick and stable , very impressive ... i think that i found my os

2 months later

I admit I have been distro-hopping a bit of late. I can't seem to find something to replace LMDE that works for me. But I have started looking for more specific things as most distros these days are based on something, with wallpaper. I want less bloat first off and I had moved to KDE neon which installs nearly nothing. And yet it was still loaded with 1936 packages. I also want to move away from GTK. So someone suggested I try KaOS. So I have and at first I wasn't so sure. But with 913 packages installed, you appeal to my soul already. The more I've learned about the project, I have started to really appreciate the focus they have.

The operating system is great. Some of the mods here are a little crazy.

    2 months later

    Well they do say that thereis a fine line between genius and crazy. So take a bow KaOS/Chaos devs 🙂

    a month later

    The lack of bloat is exactly where KaOS appeals most to me. It has the same clean feeling as Arch. Hardly gets in my way when tailoring to my needs, but already has a degree of completeness after the install that doesn't require days of setup and configuration to get things started.

    Sure it's not really suitable for any other DE than KDE, but this focus on one thing is exactly what makes it so smooth. Also I have a thing for bleeding edge state of the art versions of software, even if that means I'm bound to run into some glitches every now and then. So far it has been overally pleasing.

    11 days later

    I like KaOS' focus on QT only too. Big hooray for Demm 🙂

    11 days later

    I downloaded KaOS last night at 2 am the first download failed due to isp tried again ok,burnt KaOS to usb installed it on my asus zen aio pro all in one pc everything went well setup KaOS eveything working ok congratulations KaOS team you have done a fine job
    regards Ron