
  • Dec 4, 2016
  • Joined Jun 29, 2015
  • In this one the external monitor is connected to the only hdmi port. I don't know if it's connected to Nvidia card.

    Thank you for the link, I'll check it ASAP (time to sleep in France :-) ).

  • Ok thanks, here is :

    Inxi -G
    `Graphics:  Card-1: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
               Card-2: NVIDIA GM108M [GeForce 840M]
               Display Server: X.Org 1.18.4 drivers: intel (unloaded: vesa)
               Resolution: 1366x768@60.00hz
               GLX Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel Haswell Mobile GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 12.0.3`

    Xorg.O.log is HERE

    Do you need something else ?

  • Morning Kommunity,

    Since the beginning I'm using KaOS, I've got the following trouble : When I connect my laptop to my télévision, the main screen (my laptop) freeze. I also can take a window and move it to the TV's screen, but when I move the mouse on the main screen nothing appeared (it's not black, just a freeze of the desktop, like screenshot - if I can say that) but I notice that where I'm clicking on something, something is done.
    So, I only use the "synchronize output".
    My poor english language doesn't help me to do a better explaination. I apologize.

    To summarize :
    - Laptop doesn't freeze, only the main screen
    - On the freeze screen I can do everything without seen what I make
    - Second screen works well

    I don't where I can add specific information.

    Thank you for reading,

  • Morning,
    Maybe you can first try KaOS using Virtualbox from Windows without touch your system.

  • Indeed
    Click on the arrow next "reply" only propose to "rename" it.

  • I've search on all the topic, but I didn't find any "button" to add or change tag. If I clic on top tag I had choose at the beginning, I access to all topic with the same tag, but can't choose another one.

    OP is a simple user I mean.

  • demm you're marvellous.
    It works with another USB stick.
    Thank you very much !

    (how to add [solved] tag without renaming ?)

    • demm replied to this.
    • Sorry for innacuracies (non-native english speaker with difficulties)

      On a laptop (trying to install a dual-boot with Ubuntu), KaOS isn't already install.
      Using BIOS, not UEFI.
      We push the F12 touch to choose on wich device we want to boot.
      We choose sdc for USB Key.
      KaOS Welcome pages is here and we have the choice between "start live", "memory tools", "nvidia non-free" and another one I forget.
      We select "start live". Here be the dragon. After choosing it, prompt appeared and it is written something like "something don't show up" (I'll try again to write what it written).

      It's the first time I see it, by the past I only have to put the USB key ont he laptop, boot the .iso on and follow the way to.

    • Morning KaOS Team/Community,

      After downloading the last .iso, checking the md5sum and using "dd" to an USB key, the installation give me an issue.

      In order :
      - Boot the iso from USB, ok.
      - Launch KaOS-Live, ok.
      - After 30", prompt tell that an error occured : "the live don't show up".
      I'm invited to use --help with #rootfs: and I don't know what I've to do.
      Before, on my personnal computer Live works perfectly.

      Have you an idea about what happen ?


    • Ok demm,

      Kile was a "revelation", I only want to say thank you. 🙂
      Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

    • I should like to express a word of thanks to KaOS. We are often used to complaining or writing for some issues, there I shall like saying thank you.
      Indeed, already for one year everything works correctly even if small bug of display come sometimes. If I need to say thanks, it's due to I recently realize that Kile (LaTeX editor) is in his 2.9 version while no other distro release it, even the official Kile's site don't speak about it. I'm impressed, and as we know that Demm or other KaOS member have received lot of "bashing mail" I feel the need to express my gratitude.

      Best regards,

    • Oh ok !

      Is it possible to install the precedent version when the last was installed ?
      Or maybe I only have to wait the next version of Calligra...

      Thank you.

      P.S. : I've just read an HowTo about downgrade. Here be the dragon, my skills are too meager. I'll waiting.

    • Morning KaOS team,

      Since a recent new fresh install I've notice that Calligra doesn't open files like .docx & Co.
      AFAIR, Calligra could done this job.

      I've opened Calligra-Words via a terminal ($ calligrawords &) but I couldn't find any .docx (via Words) to open them and see what could be written in the console. I've try a drop&clic from dolphin to Words without success.

      Have you an idea ?

      Thank you for your patience.

    • shalokshalom
      Thank you

      What you said is done.
      I only can see that Breeze is forced (maybe Qt5). Maybe it is what is write here :
      "# Usage
      After installing the appmenu-qt5 platform theme (to the
      qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ plugin directory) for the appmenu support to work
      you need to force Qt5 to use this platform theme plugin. This can be done by
      setting the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable to appmenu-qt5, e.g.:
      Now every Qt5 application that is started in the environment will export its
      menu through DBus.
      The source also provides a profile.d script that sets the environment to enable
      appmenu-qt5 as the platformtheme by default. To install this script, simply
      run qmake CONFIG+=enable-by-default when configuring the source before

      I'm not clear with what is wroten (my bad).
      After all, I can't find the menu into the board.

      Sure I've missed something but I don't know what.

      Thank you for your time.

    • bvbfan
      Thank you for your act.

      In terminal I've made :
      sudo pacman -Syy
      sudo pacman -Syu

      Go on Octopi > KCP
      search "appmenu-qt5"
      clic on installation.

      Terminal output give:
      ==> ERREUR : Erreur lors du téléchargement de http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/appmenu-qt5/appmenu-qt5_0.3.0+14.10.20140926.orig.tar.gz
      exit status 1

      in english:
      "==> ERROR : Error when downloading from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/appmenu-qt5/appmenu-qt5_0.3.0+14.10.20140926.orig.tar.gz
      Give up...
      exit status 1"

      May be I've forget to do something.

    • Indeed, nobody seems to maintain it, is too bad.

      Thank you Demm for taking time to answer.

    • Morning KaOS Community,

      I'd like to report an issue about one KCP's package : appmenu-qt5.
      This one can't be installed cause the tar.bz isn't available from launchpad source (see https://launchpad.net/appmenu-qt5).
      I'm not an enginner and haven't skills to do my own package (maybe later).

      What (or how) can be solved this ?

      Thank you for taking time to read,
      Thank you for the good distro KaOS is,



    • Downloading an ISO has nothing to do with updates/pacman, moving to appropriate section.


      I don't know. Have you the torrent from DW?

      Yes, I've tried by DW and LinuxTracker. Nothing work.

      I'll close this subject, it's not a problem for me and if you said that's work for you I guess it's works for the other.

      Thank you Shadow.