Morning KaOS Community,

I'd like to report an issue about one KCP's package : appmenu-qt5.
This one can't be installed cause the isn't available from launchpad source (see
I'm not an enginner and haven't skills to do my own package (maybe later).

What (or how) can be solved this ?

Thank you for taking time to read,
Thank you for the good distro KaOS is,



Indeed, nobody seems to maintain it, is too bad.

Thank you Demm for taking time to answer.

I made a request for change PKGBUILD file, but i'm not testing it. It shoukd work if you interseted, test it. Provide terminal output if compilation fails.

    Thank you for your act.

    In terminal I've made :
    sudo pacman -Syy
    sudo pacman -Syu

    Go on Octopi > KCP
    search "appmenu-qt5"
    clic on installation.

    Terminal output give:
    ==> ERREUR : Erreur lors du téléchargement de
    exit status 1

    in english:
    "==> ERROR : Error when downloading from
    Give up...
    exit status 1"

    May be I've forget to do something.

    Thank you

    What you said is done.
    I only can see that Breeze is forced (maybe Qt5). Maybe it is what is write here :
    "# Usage
    After installing the appmenu-qt5 platform theme (to the
    qt5/plugins/platformthemes/ plugin directory) for the appmenu support to work
    you need to force Qt5 to use this platform theme plugin. This can be done by
    setting the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable to appmenu-qt5, e.g.:
    Now every Qt5 application that is started in the environment will export its
    menu through DBus.
    The source also provides a profile.d script that sets the environment to enable
    appmenu-qt5 as the platformtheme by default. To install this script, simply
    run qmake CONFIG+=enable-by-default when configuring the source before

    I'm not clear with what is wroten (my bad).
    After all, I can't find the menu into the board.

    Sure I've missed something but I don't know what.

    Thank you for your time.